The Referral Process

Getting Started with an NDIS Plan

The first step toward receiving supports from the team at Empact, is for us to review the participant’s referral. Whether you are an NDIS participant seeking supports, a family member or referrer, you can use our online referral form. Please upload all related documents and as much information as possible.

The information provided on the form and NDIS Plan will help us to tailor the supports we provide to the specific needs of each individual, their family and other supports. Working together as a team, we’ll ensure that every participant gets the most out of their NDIS plan.



Need Some Help?

If you need help completing the referral form, please give our customer service team a call. We’re happy to assist and are available from 9AM to 5PM, Monday to Friday.

If you would like help after business hours we can do that too. Just get in touch and we’ll arrange an appointment.


Translating & Interpreting Services

If you need assistance from a translating and interpreting service, Empact uses TIS National Services. You can contact TIS here.

If you require an Auslan interpreter, as an existing NDIS participant you may be eligible for assistance through the National Auslan Interpreter Booking and Payment Service (NABS). Alternatively there are self-funded services such as AuslanServices.


A Referral

If you’re ready to submit a referral, you can use our online form at the button below. We’ll get in touch within 2 business days to arrange the first appointment.

If you would like to know more about how we work with our referrers and partners, please click here.



Where It Suits You

To underpin our individualised support and person-centred approach, we provide therapy in the setting/s that suit you best - at home, work, university, organised activities, or within your community. We’re also committed to providing access to all clients, whether they live in urban, regional or rural Victoria. We’re growing and extending our coverage all the time, so get in touch to confirm the availability of our therapists at a location that works for you.