Our Vision & Values
The Empact Vision
Our Vision is to provide excellent quality, participant-centred services and supports, in locations that work best for participants, such that they achieve their goals and live a great life. We also want it to be easy and pleasurable to work with us, for all our stakeholders.
Our Values
We strive for and demonstrate these Values in everything we do:
Service Excellence
Evidence-based Therapies
Friendly & Caring Support
Respect & Integrity
Empowering People - Clients, their Families & our Team Members
A few sentences that sum us up…
We focus on each client as an individual with unique goals, and on increasing your opportunities, capacity for interaction, participation and fun.
We have a team approach to providing care. Our therapists collaborate with our administration team, clients, your families/carers and others providing formal and informal supports.
We come to you, wherever works best.
We provide seamless support; both clinical and administrative.
Our team members are really well trained, mentored and supported. And they love their jobs.
Our services and supports aren’t just for urban and regional clients, but also for people who live in rural and remote areas. Plus we’re expanding all the time to reach further.